Will - 1662 (Ballaugh)

Copied from Archdeacon Wills 1660-1664 because it was embedded on p126 of a 620 page .pdf document


This is affirmed to be the last will & testament of All Illria ----[torn] parted this life the 13th of Apll 1662 [?or 1663]

ffirst she bequeath her -----[torn] into the hands of Allmightie God & her body Christian buriall -----

[torn] left to her eldest sonn Willm: 1 blankett & a coate & a sheep -----

[torn] shee left to her daughter Ann Curlett a white coate, apron -----

[torn] and carchiffe;

It: to her sonn Robt: Curlett 6d & shee left to her said eldest sonn Will: Curlett in case hee shued for any thing m-----[torn]

then shee had left him only 6d legasie;

It: she constitute & ordaine her youngest sonn Willm: Curlett her true & lawfull executor of all the rest of her goods moveable & unmoveable;

It: shee left 2 yards of linnen cloath & her holy day weskett towards her bariall

Solvo tamen vincuig suo jure

the executor sworne

Testes Gubbon Craine, Ffinlo Quaile

jurati pbatu et solvit 6d

The Inventorie of the goods of her the said Ann Illeria priced to………………. 0 – 7s – 0d

pledges to secure the office subpoena duble the value Ffinlo Quaile & Gubbon Craine


  1. Ann Inelerea buried 8th April 1662
  2. Children William, Ann, Robert - no definite baptisms, nor marriage of Ann the mother
  3. Did she really have two sons named William, or is one of the adjectives a transcription error?
  4. Is it a coincidence that Finlo Quaile was one of the witnesses & pledges? In Lezayre, the 1671 will of a child named .... Quaile mentions a William Mylrea and also brother Finlo Quaile
Last updated: Aug 2022